September 25, 2013

  • the last drop

      background: Valentine’s Day – Linkin Park

    plunged in, purged out
    duælly sunken duos
    colors discarded the spectrum
    shades of grey basted destruction

    vices emerged, crawling
    populated forgotten hollows,
    infecting the jagged and ripped edges
    taunting, not staunching,
    the free-flowing rivers of the rainbow

    a deconstruction, abandonment
    of a promised livelihood hearts once sweared
    but no longer cared to nurture, protect.
    the cycle pertook of toxic mishaps,
    conflicts spitting venomous broadcasts

    timepieces locked in verbal mines and grenades,
    downhill erosion triggering the worst,
    the hopeful emotions have long since dispersed.

    words once the edge of intensity:
    suddenly a collision with gravity
    one last inhilation:
    at last annihilation

March 2, 2013

  • unbreathable

    i begged you to stay around
    while i sorted everything out
    you vanished without a sound
    my heart is in a chokehold,
    writhing on the ground
    the space where love had lived,
    instead my lifeblood bleeds out
    you distance your affections
    though i try to reach out
    my hand is slapped away,
    because its you that im without
    my light is dying from within
    my tears mean nothing to you now

February 11, 2013

  • Eyes peering around

                you’re nowhere to be found
    Arms open wide
                still you stand your ground

    Take my hand, my love,

    and tranquilize my fears
    lest they begin to question
    a malfunctioning sense of direction
    of swimming toward an image
    to remedy this disconnection

    Hope is cradling something

    that Patience has always known
     A concept this heartbeat
    can no longer ignore:
    the meaning in my life deficient
     without the presence that I adore
    your fingers laced w/mine
    our hands entwined, forever more

January 7, 2013

  • My Life will never be this scrambled again…

    Linkin park – burn it down

    My Life will never be this scrambled again…

    Love me or leave me
    no longer will i live in the middle
    Forgive or forget
    choose one based on me,
    on my true capabilities,
    not on judgement of my past.

    Throw it in my face in giddy repetition,
    may the taste of your lengthy grudge
    build like bile on your tongue
    every time its uttered out loud
    in vehement frustration.

    What you don’t seem to get
    is what i’ve chosen to embrace;
    a path of tranquility
    of which my former hell cannot trace,
    and embittered minds may not erase.

    One day i will find,
    and you will see(k),
    someplace truly adoring,
    a cherished corner just for me.

November 7, 2012

  • Confessions of a Heartbroken Sunflower

    Confessions of aHeartbroken Sunflower

    When a sunflower is ripped apart
    By catastrophic weather
    She must find a way
    To put herself back together

    Sometimes a sunflower grows weary of thinking
    “Will I ever see the sun again?”
    The endless rainclouds fuel much doubt

    She wonders how to end her relentless sighing
    “How do I re-blossom again?”
    Thickening fog keeps anxiety and confusion about

    The world no longer makes sense,
    So many petals strewn in disconnection;
    The toll of daily fog and rain
    Causes many glitches in her navigation


    She wraps herself up in a new flowerbud
    Holding the memory of the sun’s reassuring rays in her mind,
    She simply sits inside herself alone, closes her eyes:
    Waits for the fog to lift, the anxiety to dissipate
    Confusion to fall wayside and clear the skies

    During the sunflower’s time of quiet self-restoration
    The rain-clouds of doubt conspire against the sun
    With misunderstood reasoning

    Instead of allowing the sun’s silent warmth to be supportive,
    These doubt-clouds convince him to block out his warmth completely!

    How excruciating for the sunflower,
    Who was finally discovering her own smile
    To turn affectionately toward the sun
    And find only a cold and empty void

    As an acute sense of anxiety and despair manifests within
    Half-healed heartbreaks new and old once again stain her thoughts,
    The sunflower stumbles blindly about in her work-in-progress state,
    Cursing her treacherous doubt-clouds for so much disharmony,
    Into the darkened fog, searching adamantly for the lost/hidden sunshine.


    (Background: Lost in Paradise – Evanescence)

August 26, 2012

  • a belittling sigh

    …equal parts…
    …invisible and divisible
    …collisioned conditions

    ~the unpredictable reality~
    ~the inconsequential mentality~

    set your watch
    for what matters not at all:
    see all that really matters…

April 18, 2012

  • un-found

    the shadows of my mind
    attempt to confuse
    a clouded, shifting maze
    that will not let me thru
    where many strong convictions
    had stood their ground and spoken
    vacated a frozen, empty void
    where many absences grow cold.
    i traipse along in apathy
    tangled in these paralyzing layers
    of quick-sand syncronization,
    hiding deeper in my thoughts
    no longer quite believing
    that existence exists.
    senses shutting down
    no longer registering
    surroundings remorphing.
    everything is numb
    i am barely there . . .
    its a complicated illusion,
    a holographic trick-of-light
    not quite comprehendig
    how so many different angles
    are as every bit transparent
    as the mirror that holds my reflection.
    i fear i’ve been misplaced
    in a place that cannot be found
    where anything is possible
    but nothing hapens at all.
    everything is blurred
    wish i could care . . .

  • Present Tense, for There is No Other Kind

    could you lose yourself in me today
    knowing that there is no tomorrow?

    would you lend your heart to me
    knowing the days that follow
    will bring you sorrow?

    The question of a lifetime
    answered in a year. . .

    the pain is my assurance:
    perhaps i shan’t sink too deep?
    because irreversibility
    is not a possibility.

    just beyond the other side
    of the door to my heart,
    the love of many lifetimes
    patiently awaits my return

March 29, 2012

  • “Lost in Paradise”

    How shall we take life by storm
    with hearts“devoted”
    like candy glass is molded?
    coated in sugar sprinklings ,
    it shatters just as easily

    How shall we weather the hail
    under a whipped-cream shelter?
    the sweetness an empty gesture,
    eroding away drop by real drop
    delivered by troubled clouds

    How shall we accommodate devotion
    with baking powder promises?
    scattered amongst currents
    of the vinegar rivers,
    the fizzling yields
    to rapidly reveal


    2 resolute shots
    of bittersweet

February 7, 2012

  • what a true friend/soul-mate means to me:

    someone who’s patience is seemingly boundless,
    a bungee cord spun from the fabric of infinity;
    this one who knows just what to say
    to dispel a sky of gloom and grey

    someone who can smile through their flaws,
    and keep faith that light will find them,
    guide them through the shadowed times;
    inner-sanctum rejuvinated by trials conquered

    this one who challenges my soul
    to reach for deeper meaning;
    its for the stars
    we’re ever-reaching

    someone who lends their strength,
    companionship, an ear when needed;
    this one holds me together
    when i’m on the verge of shattering

    someone who isn’t too proud
    for affectionate hugs or kind words
    when life dishes them
    a bowl of rotten cherries

    this one flashes a knowing smile;
    describing a well-traveled memory,
    with no words at all

    when a conflict arises and the dust settles,
    this one can forgive and forget
    without regurgitation;

    someday i hope to be half the friend
    that they have been